Like super foods and clean eating, mobility is one of those trendy yet esoteric terms popping up everywhere in the sports and fitness industries. So what does it actually mean? Mobility is the body’s ability to move freely and easily. Joint mobility is incredibly important for sports performance; inadequate hip mobility can lead to a shortened 

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By Sarah McGowan Whether you’re focused on the Benepe Cup or Regionals next year, chances are you’re going to spend your summer getting fit for quidditch. But before you schedule yourself for two-a-days every day, remember that too much too soon can be just as detrimental as not training at all. According to the National 

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A tournament is a tournament no matter how small. While fantasy tournaments are more fun and laid back compared to tournaments during the competitive season, it’s still important to prep yourself for the wear and tear of a full day of quidditch. Here are some of my tips and tricks to survive fantasy tournaments this 

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