Credit: Ginger Snaps Photography
School’s out for summer. But for some, that means gym time is over too. While student athletes can take advantage of college gyms during the school year, most local gyms don’t offer monthly memberships for the summer. Or perhaps you have too many other financial obligations to afford the expense. But that’s no reason to take a vacation from your workout routine. Here are some options to stay in shape without a gym.
Fun-Run in the Sun
Run outside, especially if you are planning on playing any games this summer. Running outside will help your body adapt to the warmer weather. That being said, try not to run during the hottest part of the day: between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you have no choice but to exercise at that time, make sure to hydrate properly and stop if you feel nauseous or dizzy.
Outdoor Cardio
If running just isn’t your thing, there are other ways to improve cardio without a gym. While I list mostly body weight exercises below, I would suggest investing in some equipment as well. Change things up by using an agility ladder, something you can purchase at any sporting goods store for no more than $40. Add in a jump rope and a medicine ball, too, and you will be good to go! You’ll still save a lot of money, since you can perform these exercises on any field or spot outside without investing in a gym membership.
- Agility ladder exercises
- Broad jumps
- Medicine ball slams
- Jump squats
- Wall balls
- Jumping lunges (make sure to keep your knee over your ankle when landing!)
Try to do three sets of eight-10 reps each. You can perform this in a circuit or do one exercise at a time.
Outdoor Strength Training
If you’re focusing on strength this summer, here are a few exercises you can do:
- 5 min jump rope
- Push ups (of any variation: normal, diamond, spiderman, clap etc.)
- Walking lunges
- Plank
- Side planks (with or without raised arm/leg)
- Squats (you can use the medball mentioned above for added resistance)
- Bear crawls
- Inchworms
Push-ups, pull-ups and lunges should be done in three sets of the maximum number of reps. If you can complete three sets of 10-15 reps easily, try some harder variations.

Credit: Matt Dwyer
So grab a piece of grass and start working! Make sure you bring enough water and items for your workout and don’t forget to properly warm up before you start any exercise. As always, listen to your body and if something feels painful stop immediately.
Integrating these exercises into your summer routine will help you perform your best during MLQ series or fantasy tournaments and ensure that you’ll return to your regular season in tip-top shape. Who needs the gym?