Don’t forget to grab your #MLQVirtual race day ticket! Sales close tonight at 11:59 pm ET. And check out the available prizes!

The MLQ Virtual Race Series kicks off tomorrow and runs through Aug. 16. Our staff has put together a series of posts to help you prepare and execute on the big day. Last week we talked pre-race day prep and Wednesday was all about race day! Now let’s go over what to do after you’ve completed the challenge.

Upon finishing your race, it’s important to keep three things in mind: cooldown, rehydrate and refuel!

While the desire to stop cold at the finish line or even sit down is strong, it’s important to gradually reduce your activity after a race. 

If you’re running a longer distance, it’s recommended that you spend 5-10 minutes post-race running at a slower pace and then transition into walking for another 3-5 minutes. This cooldown period gradually lowers your heart rate; it also gives your body time to remove lactic acid from your muscles and bring oxygenated blood to them. This is important for recovery after a run and helps with muscle soreness. After walking, the last phase of your cooldown stretching! Because your muscles are already warm, static stretching is appropriate here. You want to stretch to the point of feeling tightness but not pain. 

Just as it’s important to hydrate in preparation for your race, it’s important to REhydrate after!

If you are running for less than an hour, water is your best option. Drinking water is a healthy way to rehydrate without additives that often come with sports drinks. The amount each person needs to drink to fully rehydrate varies from person to person; however, on average, it is recommended that a minimum of 16 oz is consumed post run. Water should be consumed gradually and consistently following your race. 

When running in very hot weather, it’s important to consume cold fluids slowly so as not to shock your system. If you feel as though your rehydrating needs an extra boost, add some lemon to your water to help replace lost electrolytes. If you do choose to rehydrate with a sports drink, read up on the ingredients so you know that what you’re putting in your body is actually helping you recover from your race. 

In addition to rehydrating, you need to refuel your body shortly after our race. 

It is best to eat within 30-45 minutes of finishing your race. Good recovery meals or snacks are those that have both protein and complex carbohydrates. Giving your body protein helps it rebuild muscles fibers that get broken down during activity and carbohydrates help balance out your blood sugar levels which often fluctuate in relation to physical activity. If eating after exercise is difficult for you, try making a smoothie! 

You’ve worked so hard to prepare for the race and ran your best during, but don’t stop there! Finish out your couch to 5k journey by taking care of yourself post-run so that you are ready for whatever’s next! 

Submit and win
Once you’ve refueled, submit the screenshot of your achievement to MLQ via this form so you can win big! The screenshot must show the date, distance and final run time. There is an option to submit more than one image in case you can’t get it all in one.

This content was curated by MLQ Events Assistant and avid runner Claire Tylke.